[15] The bishop's servants who were inside the castle were able to make an arrangement with the Canons of the cathedral to ransom themselves with all of their goods, but their houses were destroyed. Gauchat IV, pp. CV of Bishop Napolioni: Diocesi di Cremona, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, "Gerardo da Sesso, Legato apostolico al tempo di Innocenzo III,", "Lib. Unfortunately, Pope Clement V died on 20 April 1314, before the impasse was resolved. In this grand seizure of power, the Papacy deprived all Chapters of the right to elect their head. He was transferred to the diocese of Ceneda by. Sanclemente, p. 110. Walfrid was a native of Modena. G. Hanauer, "Das Bereufspodestat im dreizehnten Jahrhundert," in: Sanclemente, pp. Diocesi Di Cremona, Cremona. [19] In 1113, after his return, Bishop Landulfus held a diocesan synod, but the city was consumed by a fire on 10 August 1113. Guasco: Ritzler and Sefrin V, p. 176 with note 6. He was named a cardinal on 17 March 1484, and was appointed Administrator of Cremona on 4 August 1486 by, Accolti was the nephew of Cardinal Pietro Accolti. [36] In 1322, Duke Galeazzo Visconti seized Cremona. Cappelletti XII, p. 128, citing Paul the Deacon. A notarized set of minutes of the proceedings survives, and has been published by Sanclemente, pp. Egidiolus' party claimed that his supporters were older, were more outstanding in merit, and held more prestigious positions; they claimed that Egidius was not in Holy Orders, and therefore should not be electable. DOMENICA 27 dicembre 2020 Santa Famiglia . Cappelletti XII, p. 136-142. [34] Since bishop-elect Egidius was still living in Avignon on 4 August 1319, he assigned to Frater Thomas of the house of S. Abundantius in Cremona the care of the physical fabric of the cathedral. Zone pastorali. Via Mantova 113 (Cremona) ... Chiesacattolica.it Diocesi di Cremona. Ombono held the degree of, Born in 1772 in Rovereto (diocese of Trent), Sardagna had been Vicar General in Trent (1810–1818), then Vicar Capitular (1818–1823). "In commisi nobis pastoralis officii regimine, illud inter alias animi nostri sollicitudines consideramus attente, quod propter bonae memoriae Reverendissimorum Dominorum praedecessorum nostrorum in episcopatu praedicto, ab eodem diutinam ultra annos septuaginta absentiam, nonnulkla ita in clero et populo Cremonae adeo in sinistrum deflexerunt, et eis operae pretium est salubri, et necessaria reformatione, et correctione succurere....". In 1546 the Benedictines were succeeded by Olivetan monks. +39 0373 256274 - curia@diocesidicrema.it Visconti had previously been Bishop of Alessandria. Egidiolus' opponents immediately registered a complaint with the archbishop, and demanded the confirmation of Egidius de Madalbertis, according to Cappelletti. [42] He held his second diocesan synod in 1604. Sanclemente, pp. He was particularly hostile to his predecessor's foundation, the monastery of S. [35] Conditions in Cremona at the time are revealed in a letter to the Abbess and nuns of the monastery of Cistello, just outside the walls of Cremona, dated 6 October 1319; he commiserates with the nuns over the fact that they have been forced to abandon their monastery because of the incursions of hostile persons, and take up residence inside the city in houses of private individuals. Della Torre had previously been Bishop of Parma. Servizi per l’Accoglienza onlus. He was appointed Bishop of Cremona on 30 January 1591 by, Sfondrati was born in Milan, and was a nephew of Pope Gregory XIV, who made him a cardinal in 1590. Parrocchie della diocesi di Cremona raggruppate per provincia e comune. DiocesidiCremona.it I. caput secundum. [1][2] The bishop's seat is in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Bickering began immediately. He was appointed Bishop of Cremona on 17 May 1621. D. 25 PARROCCHIE A Cremona Ecco l'elenco delle parrocchie e chiese a Cremona. A native of Pavia, Isimbardi was a master of theology, and lectured in metaphysics at the Sapienza in Rome. Novati, Francesco, "L' Obituario della cattedrale di Cremona," in: This page was last edited on 31 December 2020, at 23:58. (1972). Cf. 111-114. Pietro e Paolo; Brignano Gera d'Adda (1) S. Maria Assunta; Calcio (1) S. Vittore Martire; Calvenzano (1) SS. He died on 14 July 1290. This was not the case, however, for popes or for most persons, clerical or lay. The monastery was suppressed by the French occupation administration in 1797. Petrus died on 15 October 1383. Casa della Comunicazione - Via Stenico, 3 - 26100 Cremona Il prelato da qualche giorno, come riferisce l'ufficio stampa della diocesi… Each party however proclaimed its candidate elected, and sang a Te Deum. 1: "Sabinus circa An. 23-25. He was appointed Bishop of Cremona on 3 September 1607 by. Zona pastorale 1. Diocesi Di Cremona, Cremona. [30] Twelve electors met on 17 February in the Choir of the cathedral, and announced their votes on oath in a scrutiny. He was transferred to the diocese of Brescia on 29 July 1401. CV of Bishop Lafranconi: Diocesi di Cremona. Se desideri continuare ad utilizzarli premi il … It was built by the Cenomanni Gauls, but later became a Roman colony and a frontier fortress. The archbishop took the plea, and granted Egidiolus possession and administration rights. [13] Landulfus was insensitive, arrogant, and overbearing. Because they had been despoiled of all their property, they were forced to beg in the streets. Mappa della diocesi. Ponzio was still alive on 13 June 1290. [32] In due course, the suits reached the papal Court. 741 talking about this. Altre informazioni … Eubel II, p. 139. Parrocchia Patrono Comune Frazione/Quartiere Web Cassano - … Bishop Siniperto attended the council of Mantua held by, Panchoardus: Sanclemente, pp. The tradition of Cremona considers St. Sabinus to be its first missionary and first bishop; he is said to have lived in the 1st century, though there is no documentary or monumental proof of his existence. 58-59. At least from 946, he was an official of King Berengar II, as. Lanzoni observes that the episcopal lists are not all names of historical bishops, but actually only of persons who had a public cult (such as a church named after them) in the diocese: "molti e forti indizi dimostrano che i santi enumerati nel, Sanclemente, p. 1: FELIX circa An. He was appointed Bishop of Cremona on 6 October 72-73. They expelled Bishop Landulfus from the city, confiscated all his goods, and razed the bishop's castle to its foundations. Campori had been named a cardinal on 19 September 1616. Sanclemente demonstrates that Bishop Benedictus was still alive in 881. [8] Under the Emperor Otto I (962–973) and his successors, its bishops acquired temporal sovereignty,[9] but the people expelled Bishop Oldericus (973–1004) and adopted a republican form of government. He was Prior of the Carmelite convent at S. Maria Transpadina. Diocesi Di Cremona, Cremona. Nel 2016 contava 317.208 battezzati su 366.503 abitanti. [46], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}45°08′00″N 10°02′00″E / 45.1333°N 10.0333°E / 45.1333; 10.0333, Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Milan, Cf. Aporti I, pp. Scopri tutte le persone, gli organismi, gli enti, gli uffici e le parrocchie che compongono la Diocesi di Mantova PARTECIPA Cerca gli orari delle messe, sfoglia il calendario delle iniziative e scarica i documenti utili a prendere parte alla vita della diocesi di Mantova Leggi la policy di DiocesidiCremona.it, Vicario generale e moderatore della Curia, Vicario episcopale per il clero e il coordinamento pastorale, Delegato episcopale per la Vita consacrata, Beni e attività culturali – Edifici di culto, Beni e attività culturali – Edilizia di culto, Scuola diocesana di musica sacra “D. 9.4K likes. Egidiolus is referred to only as the other candidate in the contested election, and is not called a bishop. Disposizioni generali Protocollo CEI/Governo. The date is 1318, not 1317 as stated by Sanclemente and Cappelletti. Bartolomeo Platina, the papal scriptor, Librarian of the Vatican Library, and noted author of papal biographies, who was born in the village of Piadena (Platina), seven miles east of Cremona, styled himself Cremonensis. Eubel I, p. 214. In 1702 it was taken by imperial troops, and in 1796 and 1800 fell into the hands of the French.[25]. [14] His ill-treatment of the monks roused the anger of the citizens of Cremona, who had already twice suffered under the invasion of German imperial armies. Bishop Joannes was present at the provincial council of Milan in 451, presided over by Archbishop Eusebius. [41], Bishop Cesare Speciano (1591–1607) held a diocesan synod in Cremona in 1599. [29] The prelimary meeting to summon electors to a meeting to elect his successor met on 15 February 1313, and fixed 17 February as the day of the election. Coronavirus, il vescovo di Cremona monsignor Napolioni ricoverato per accertamenti. Puoi trovare indirizzo, numero di telefono e la mappa di tutte le parrocchie nel comune di Cremona, in provincia di Cremona. A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. The papal Sede vacante lasted until 7 August 1316, when the Conclave elected Cardinal Jacques Duèse as Pope John XXII. While he was at the papal Court, he died. [43] Cardinal Pietro Campori (1621–1643) held a diocesan synod in 1635. Parrocchie della diocesi di Cremona. Per inviare articoli e foto: portale@diocesidicremona.it Diocesi di Cremona STORIA I - Le origini Colonia romana fin dal 218 a.C., Cremona aveva già perduto, verso la fine del primo secolo cristiano, la sua posizione preminente tra i territori settentrionali, conservando però un ruolo importante nella rete delle comunicazioni, grazie anche alla sua posizione lungo il corso del Po. Provincia di Bergamo (17) Antegnate (1) S. Michele Arcangelo; Arzago d'Adda (1) S. Lorenzo; Barbata (1) SS. Diocesi di Cremona. The earliest reference to Odelricus in documents is on 5 March 973. Sanclemente, pp. Lorenzo. https://www.facebook.com/DiocesiCremona/videos/723689921902270 La diocesi di Cremona ha pubblicato oggi sul proprio sito il bando di concorso per la progettazione dell'adeguamento liturgico della Cattedrale "Beata Vergine Maria Assunta". Pagina aperta della Chiesa cremonese curata dalla redazione di TeleRadio Cremona Cittanova Per comunicare variazioni di orari Messe e aggiornamenti di ParrocchieMap: orarimesse@diocesidicremona.it Caritas Cremonese è partner del progetto Gioco Sapiens 2.0 (capofila è il Comune di Cremona), prosecuzione dell’azione Gioco Sapiens, che intende proseguire la sensibilizzazione e l’informazione sulle problematiche inerenti il gioco d’azzardo e sostenere le azioni di supporto a coloro che si trovano in condizione di dipendenza e ai loro familiari. A new bishop for Cremona was appointed by John XXII in a letter of 6 March 1327. He was named Bishop of Cremona on 16 March 1523 by, Sfondrati was named a cardinal on 19 December 1544. Pagina aperta della Chiesa cremonese curata dalla redazione di TeleRadio Cremona Cittanova DiocesidiCremona.it Casa della Comunicazione - Via Stenico, 3 - 26100 Cremona Per inviare articoli e foto: portale@diocesidicremona.it Per comunicare variazioni di orari Messe e aggiornamenti di ParrocchieMap: orarimesse@diocesidicremona.it Per informazioni generali: 0372-495011 info@diocesidicremona.it Leggi la policy di DiocesidiCremona.it The diocese has 223 parishes, all located within the region of Lombardy, and the majority (174) within the Province of Cremona, besides 28 in the Province of Mantua, 17 in the Province of Bergamo, and 4 in the Province of Milan. 1670 by. [10] On 26 February 1104, Bishop Oldericus obtained from Adelmus (a.k.a. Pagina aperta della Chiesa cremonese curata dalla redazione di TeleRadio Cremona Cittanova On 985, Bishop Odelricus conducted a visitation of the Library and Archives of the Church of Cremona, and found theft, damage, and disorder everywhere; a record of the visitation survives. He travelled to the papal Court to defend his election against the complaints of two Canons of Cremona. I beneficiari dell'IDSC sono tutti i sacerdoti diocesani o religiosi aventi un incarico nella Diocesi, in qualità di parroci, vicari, insegnanti, addetti di Curia . [39] In 1328, the Emperor Louis the Bavarian seized Cremona. [needs update][3]. Hubaldus signed documents for Conrad II on 27 February 1031. 254-256, with note 9, quoting a diploma of the. Gams, p. 789. 2637 persone ne parlano. La celebrazione della Messa della Notte di Natale è condizionata dal rispetto della norma nazionale che prevede il divieto di uscire di casa dopo le ore 22.00. Savini." Sforza was born in Cremona, the sixth of eight children of Duke Francesco I Sforza of Milan. Septala: Ritzler and Sefrin V, p. 176 with note 4. 75 778 Per informazioni e prenotazioni rivolgersi. LV., a quo traditur nominata Ecclesia S. Ritzler and Sefrin V, p. 175 with note 3. La Diocesi di Cremona, attraverso l’Ufficio diocesano per la pastorale della salute, si mette a disposizione – attraverso un numero telefonico dedicato – di tutti coloro che nell’emergenza coronavirus sentono la necessità di un sostegno di carattere spirituale. 8.8K likes. Azo), the royal Missus of King Arduin (1102–1114), the royal ban against anyone who attempted to seize properties belonging to the bishop. Sanclemente, pp. Nel cuore della proposta ti suggeriamo di ), Rubeus claims that Bishop Eustasius was appointed by Pope Felix (483–492) in 491; he was present at the third Roman synod under, Bishop Desiderius was present in Rome for the Roman synod of Pope Agatho in 679. He had been an Abbreviator of Apostolic Letters. Si-lenzio, ascolto e sintonia con lo Spirito sono gli ingredienti fondamen-tali di cui abbiamo bisogno! Croce: Ritzler and Sefrin V, p. 176 with note 5. Eubel I, p. 214. was transferred from Brescia to the diocese of Cremona by. 160-161. LOGIN PRIVACY POLICY POWERED BY RGweb. [28], Bishop Raynerius de Casulo died two or three days before Christmas 1312. Thenceforth Cremona became a citadel of Ghibellinism and was greatly favoured by Frederic Barbarossa and Emperor Frederick II, though for the same reason frequently at war with the neighbouring cities. He first appears in documents in 1007, in a charter of Henry II. If Sanclemente had had any documentary evidence, he would have, as was his practice, quoted it. Sanclemente, p. 133. Landulfus was a chaplain and Councilor of King Henry II. Novati (1880), pp. His latest document is on 30 October 1066, in which, Bishop Arnulf was the nephew of Archbishop Guido of Milan. He died in Rome on 4 October 1681. The Diocese of Cremona (Latin: Dioecesis Cremonensis) is a Roman Catholic ecclesiastical territory in northern Italy, a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Milan. Schwartz, pp. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate", Le diocesi d'Italia dalle origini al principio del secolo VII (an. Following the death of Bishop Bonizo, there was a contested election, with Guiczardus de Persico obtaining the majority of votes. Istituo Diocesano per il Sostentamento del Clero della Diocesi di Cremona. Egidius had never been able to enter his diocese or take possession of his See due to the civil war which had enveloped Cremona. Via Cabral laterale di Viale c. Colombo 47042 Cesenatico (FC) Tel 0547. [4] His putative successor, Felix (c. 86) is known only from the name of a church. Grosseto, il 5 e 6 gennaio in cattedrale l'effigie della Madonna di Loreto proveniente dal 4° stormo "Fratelli tutti": l'enciclica di Papa Francesco tradotta in lingua russa e dai musulmani; Nigeria: liberati il vescovo ausiliare di Owerri e il suo autista Egidiolus had half of the votes, but not a majority. [45], The Diocese of Cremona provides a list of its bishops on its official web site. DIOCESI DI CREMA Piazza Duomo, 27 - 26013 Crema CR - P.iva 91001960193 tel. The commune of Cremona was abolished by Azzo Visconti in 1334. The Diocese of Cremona (Latin: Dioecesis Cremonensis) is a Roman Catholic ecclesiastical territory in northern Italy, a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Milan. Pagina aperta della Chiesa cremonese curata dalla redazione di TeleRadio Cremona Cittanova 78-79. [44], Bishop Alessandro Litta (1718–1749) held a diocesan synod in the cathedral in Cremona on 28-30 April 1727. Sanclemente, pp. Ordina per Casa di cura San Camillo. Pope John XXII finally issued a ruling on 18 July 1318,[33] stating that Egidius de Madalbertis, Canon of the Church of Cremona, was the bishop of Cremona, to which he had been elected following the death of Bishop Raynerius. The latest document of Bishop Odelricus is on 26 February 1004. [21], In 1211 and 1212, the papal legate Gerard of Sessa used Cremona as his base of operations in Lombardy, and employed Bishop Sicard of Cremona in some of his activities. 1,648 Followers, 72 Following, 259 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Diocesi di Cremona (@diocesi_di_cremona) 604), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Cremona&oldid=997529448, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles with German-language sources (de), Wikipedia articles in need of updating from October 2020, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Articles with Latin-language sources (la), Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Emmanuel, O.Cist. [22], In later medieval times Cremona had many lords or "tyrants", the Pallavicini, the Dovara,[23] the Cavalcabo,[24] the Visconti of Milan (1334–1402), the Sforza, until it became part of the Duchy of Milan (1328). Salutis LXXXVI., a quo fertur dicta Ecclesia S. Eubel I, p. 214. (1 May 1167 – 27 February 1168), Giovanni Buono de Geroldi (1248–1249) (bishop-elect), Alessandro Maria Litta (1718–1749 Resigned), Carlo Emmanuelle Sardagna de Hohenstein (1831–1837 Resigned), Filippini, E. (2001), "Il vescovo Sicardo di Cremona (1185-1215) e la fondazione del monastero di San Giovanni del Deserto," in, Gualazzini, U. On 22 March 1179, a dispute between Offredus and Abbot Silvester of Brixillense concerning rights over three churches. Odelricus' father was Count of Seprio (province of Milan). Felicis.". He and Archbishop Anselm of Milan took the part of King Berengarius against the Emperor Louis the Pious. 252-254. [40], In 1550, Cardinal Francesco Sfondrati, Bishop of Cremona (1549–1550), issued a set of constitutions and edicts to be observed in his diocese. [20] Then, on 3 January 1117, a major earthquake struck the Veneto and Lombardy, ruining the cathedral. Ma che dovrà dirsi dei puri nomi e della loro successione? He subscribed the synodical letter sent to the. Six of the twelve cast their votes for Canon Egidiolus de Bonseriis, four for Canon and Cantor Egidius de Madalbertis, one for Canon Joannes de Parma, and one for the Archpriest. Utilizziamo i cookie per garantire all'utente un'esperienza migliore l sul nostro sito. Sfondrati was elected, Pope Gregory XIV on 5 December 1590. Aporti I, p. 67. Per informazioni o riferimenti relativi alla Diocesi di Cremona è possibile visitare il portale diocesano www.diocesidicremona.it.www.diocesidicremona.it. Stephanus: Blasius Rubeus (Biagio Rossi), Lanzoni, p. 947, notes that only two of the first twelve names in Rubeus' list can show documentary or monumental collaboration. On 3 March 1078, in a public synod in Rome, Arnulfus confessed that he was a simoniac; he was deposed, anathematized, and denied the hope of restoration by. He died in Cremona on 4 February 1643. VERRETTO - Nella mattina di venerdì 27 novembre è deceduto, all’età di 64 anni, don Giancarlo Regazzetti, originario di Romanengo, nella diocesi di Cremona, dove è stato ordinato sacerdote il 21 giugno 1980. 9,2 mil Me gusta. On the other hand Emperor Henry V (1106–25) restored to the people their communal rights. [37], On 13 September 1319, Pope John XXII issued the bull "Imminente Nobis", reserving to the papacy the right of appointment to all benefices, archiepiscopal, episcopal, collegiate, abbatial, monasterial, prioral, and all other ecclesiastical places, whether secular or regular, exempt (from episcopal control) or not.

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