FOREQUARTERS Strong and muscular, well-proportioned to the size of the dog. Allevamento CANE CORSO Del Rosso Malpelo ENCI e FCI - Italian Cane Corso Breeders - Ferrara. Straight when viewed from the rear or front. Medium-big size dog, strongly built but elegant, with powerful and long muscles, very distinguished, he expresses strength, agility and endurance. The lower jaw incisors pass only slightly (about 1/2 cm) their correspondent ones on the upper arch, so the bite is slightly undershot. The angle of the stifle joint, is of approx. Its perimeter is over 35% the height at the withers. Upper lips moderately hanging, they join under the nostrils to form an inverted “U”. Cane is Italian for dog and there is no fact on what Corso stands for but there are some theories… According to the book Il Cane Corso by Fernando Casolino & Stefano Gandolfi there are the three different theories… The bite should be slightly undershot (max 5mm) or level. Harmoniously joined with the withers, shoulder and chest, the neck has its ideal direction at 45ƒ from the ground and at right angle with the shoulder. Its width, measured at half of its height, is equal to 35% of the height at the withers and decreases slightly towards the sternum region without forming a carina. N.B. The bizygomatic width, which is equal to the lenght of the skull, is more than half the total height of the head, reaching 6,6/10. Health testing is a very important tool in our breeding program. Its length is equal to 32% of the height at the withers and its inclination from the top to the bottom and from the front to the back is of approx. Nose Muzzle is not narrow or snipey. Ears - Of medium size in relation to the volume of the head and to the size of the dog; covered with short hair, of triangular shape, with rather pointed apex and thick cartilage, in a high position, much above the zygomatic arch, with a wide bottom, hanging, they stick to the cheeks without coming down to the throat. It has always been a property watchdog and hunter of difficult game such as the wild boar. Partial depigmentation. Il Corso ha un forte temperamento, non ama le smancerie, ma adora le manifestazioni d’affetto che sgorgano dal profondo, moderate, costanti. Hocks: Wide set, thick and clean, let down and parallel when viewed from behind. The nose is an extension of the topline of the muzzle and does not protrude beyond nor recede behind the front plane of the muzzle. All colours not prescribed, white patches too wide. La moderna selezione non può prescindere dal fatto che il Cane Corso è un cane da lavoro, che ha sempre lavorato accanto all’uomo e per l’uomo e quindi non deve mettere in secondo ordine gli aspetti caratteriali. The pigment of the mucous membranes is black. In cui chiedeva informazioni su un molosso medio-grande osservato sul territorio Pugliese. A valle, ai margini dell’orizzonte, il sole si rialza dalla marina a ridestare l’Aurora perché accolga sul suo carro la quattordicesima Razza Italiana. 32% of the height at the withers. Diffusione Il Cane Corso sta vivendo una seconda giovinezza grazie a quella capacità di adattamento che lo ha sempre contraddistinto in secoli di storia. Cane Corso in sintesi. The thorax reaches down at the elbow and its height is equal to half the height at the withers. Wall eyed. The tip of the elbow (olecranon epiphysis) is located on the vertical line lowered from the caudal (or back) angle of the shoulder-blade to the ground. Compact, strong and very muscular. sturdily built, but not squat. The overall confirmation of the dog should be well balanced and proportionate. Lower Thigh: strong, not fleshy Body: Depth of the ribcage is equal to half the total height of the dog, descending slightly below the elbow. The protruding hock ridge shows clearly the continuation of the leg groove. When not in action, carried low, otherwise horizontal or slightly higher than back, not to be carried in a vertical position. Cheeks - The masseter region is full and evident, but not hypertrophic. Lasciando la tua email puoi essere il primo a sapere quando Allevamento cane Corso "dei Legionari Arditi", riconosciuto ENCI - FCI. The neck is practically without dewlap. He is docile and affectionate to his owner, loving with children and family. Carried low, it is neither broken nor kinked but supple. ELIMINATING FAULTS - Head - Accentuated parallelism of the axes of the skull and the muzzle very marked converging axes of the skull and the muzzle, converging side lines of the muzzle, scissors bite, pronounced and disturbing undershot mouth. Tail - Forming a ring or in a vertical position. ENCI Cane Corso Standard. 1986: ENCI assigns Dr. Antonio Morsiani to draft a standard for the Cane Corso. Summary: Upper Thigh: Long, wide, back line of thigh convex A titolo di curiosità possiamo dire che il nero, che quando si trova in muta assume una colorazione a cioccolato fondente, era preferito da porcari e butteri, il tigrato era il più desiderato per la caccia al cinghiale, il cinerino da bovari e butteri, mentre il frumentino, così chiamato dalla tonalità del frumento a maturazione, con maschera scura che non oltrepassa la linea degli occhi, per la caccia del tasso e del cinghiale. Viene stabilito il nome definitivo di “Cane corso” e iniziò la strada verso il riconoscimento ENCI, che avrebbe istituito il primo Libro Aperto nel 1988… ma nel frattempo venne redatto uno Standard in cui si diceva a chiare lettere: “in nessuna ragione il Cane Corso deve ricordare il Mastino Napoletano”. Thigh - It is long and wide, with prominent muscles, therefore the nate ridge is well marked. Brachycephalic. CANE DA PASTORE DELLA RUSSIA MERIDIONALE. His name derives from the Latin "Cohors" which means "Guardian", "Protector". Croup Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY Forearm - It is perfectly vertical, oval section, with several muscles, in particular in the top-third, with a very strong and compact bone structure. Carpal Joint and Pasterns: Elastic ENCI Cane Corso Standard Taglia medio-grande, struttura possente, muscolatura sviluppata, poco più lungo che alto. Sturdy, with a strong skeleton, muscular and athletic. Il Cane Corso doveva quindi sorprendere il tasso ed ucciderlo con un secco morso dietro la nuca, prima che questo potesse mettersi in posizione eretta e difendersi con i suoi lunghi ed affilatissimi artigli. The head is moderately sculptured with zygomatic arches stretched outwards. The 4 false ribs are long, oblique and open. Skin –The inferior part of the neck introduces more abundant but elastic skin. Well proportioned to the size of the dog. Weight - Males from 103 (97) to 117 (123) pounds. 505.304.9322 / 505.440.0307 Summary The head mustn't have wrinkles. Highest part of shoulder blade slightly rising above the strong, level back. Croup: Long, wide, slightly sloping. Hair - Short hair but not smooth, with vitreous texture, shiny, adherent, stiff, and very dense, with a light layer that becomes thicker in winter (but never crops up on the covering hair). Diverging axes of the skull and the muzzle, overshot mouth nosebridge resolutely hollow or ram-like. Its length, from the tip of the elbow to the one of the arm is equal to 32/33% of the height at the withers. Richard & Laura [Contact Us] Of oval section, strong, very muscular, with a marked disjunction form at the nape. Supraorbital fossae slightly marked. HINDQUARTERS Questo grosso mustelide, dalle abitudini notturne, era molto apprezzato sia per la pelliccia, che per il sapore della carne e persino per il grasso che, fuso, veniva usato come unguento lenitivo. I suoi contorni netti rivelano una muscolatura potente. FOREQUARTERS - Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. Its length must not be over one sixth of the height of the forelimb at the elbow. Stifle - The angle of the stifle joint is of approx. Head In the fawn and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. The thorax reaches down at the elbow and its height is equal to half the height at the withers. On the muzzle the hair is very short, smooth, adherent and is not more than 1/1,5 cm. Straight when viewed from the front or side; height of the limb at the elbow is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. When viewed from the side, the topline remains level, with minimal roll or bounce. Pasterns: Almost straight, strong but flexible. The incisors are firmly placed on a straight line. May be cropped or uncropped, if cropped it is in an equilateral triangle. Some wrinkling on forehead occurs when alert. “Cane Corso” is in history as much an adjective as it is a noun. • ICCF (American) Cane Corso Standard, 2003 •. 50ƒ on the horizontal line. Elbows: Held parallel to the ribcage, turning neither in nor out. In the fawny and tubby subjects there is a black or grey mask only on the muzzle and shouldn't go beyond the eye line. This activity produced an official standard document edited by Dr. Antonio Morsiani ratified by the judging committee of the ENCI in 1987. Sexual organs Seen from the side it mustn't stick out from the front vertical margin of the lips but be, with its front, on the same vertical line as the front of the muzzle. Jaws Coat Straight when viewed from the front or side, height of the limb at the elbow is equal to 50% of the height at the withers. Fernando Casolino È senza dubbio un cane dominante che male sopporta da adulto la presenza di altri maschi nel proprio territorio o nelle proprie vicinanze, e quindi richiede un proprietario di carattere che sappia gestire con fermezza il ruolo di capo branco e che permetta al cane di esprimere al meglio il ruolo di fedele ed incorruttibile gregario. Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. Third eyelid strongly pigmented. Escluso a priori che il nome possa indicare una scontata origine geografica della razza, l’etimologia dell’espressione corso è assolutamente controversa. Seen from the side, the chest is outstretched forward between the fore legs and slightly convex. Loins: short and strong Head The nasal bridge has a rectilinear profile and it is rather flat. It has to be voluminous, rather flat on top, with wide nostrils, opened and mobile, wet and cool. Hock joint - It is wide, thick, and clean, with well marked bone. Withers: pronounced, rising above the level of the croup. Hindquarters GENERAL APPEARANCE The foregoing description is that of the ideal Cane Corso; any deviation from the above described dog is penalized to the extent of the deviation. Weight: Proportionate to height. In the past, it has been used for herding cattle and hunting big game. General Appearance HINDQUARTERS - Perpendicular, seen from the front or in profile. Origin & Purpose The Cane Corso is the direct descendant of the ancient Roman molosser dogs. In the case of natural tails, the tip reaches the hock but not below. The Cane Corso....Written ENCI Standard. Slightly undershot. For years he has been a precious companion of the Italic populations. Sta di fatto che, da quando ha cominciato a delinearsi la lingua italiana, il molosso è sempre stato chiamato Corso. The commisure is rightly evident and it always represents the lowest point of the lower side profile of the muzzle.

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