[137], Occupation meant administration and policing, a duty assigned to the SS, the SD, and the Gestapo even before hostilities began, as was the case for Czechoslovakia. [85] Less than two weeks later in early May 1933, the Gestapo moved into their Berlin headquarters at Prinz-Albrecht-Straße 8. +Gestapo-Phrase Exclude given word from search, e.g. [98] By March 1937, the Gestapo employed an estimated 6,500 people in fifty-four regional offices across the Reich. [65], During May 1935, the Gestapo broke up and arrested members of the "Markwitz Circle", a group of former socialists in contact with Otto Strasser, who sought Hitler's downfall. [107], Contrary to popular belief, the Gestapo was not the all-pervasive, omnipotent agency in German society. [14] Himmler wanted to free himself entirely from Röhm, whom he viewed as an obstacle. [29] The Gestapo became Amt IV (Department IV) of RSHA and Müller became the Gestapo Chief, with Heydrich as his immediate superior. [40], Shortly after the Nazis came to power, they decided to dissolve the 28 federations of the General German Trade Union Confederation, because Hitler—after noting their success in the works council elections—intended to consolidate all German workers under the Nazi government's administration, a decision he made on 7 April 1933. [86], As a result of its 1936 merger with the Kripo (National criminal police) to form sub-units of the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo; Security Police), the Gestapo was officially classified as a government agency. [148], These groups—the Nazi Party and government leadership, the German General staff and High Command (OKW); the Sturmabteilung (SA); the Schutzstaffel (SS), including the Sicherheitsdienst (SD); and the Gestapo—had an aggregate membership exceeding two million, making a large number of their members liable to trial when the organisations were convicted. [34] An oddity of the system was that the prisoner had to sign his own Schutzhaftbefehl, an order declaring that the person had requested imprisonment—presumably out of fear of personal harm. [33], The power of the Gestapo included the use of what was called, Schutzhaft—"protective custody", a euphemism for the power to imprison people without judicial proceedings. Questo non ha impedito il Reichsführer SS progressivamente concentrato nelle loro mani i corpi di indagine politica. Mostra le traduzioni generate algoritmicamente. At that time, the Gestapo was condemned as a criminal organisation, along with the SS. [67] One of the methods employed by the Gestapo to contend with these resistance factions was 'protective detention' which facilitated the process in expediting dissenters to concentration camps and against which there was no legal defence. Tema. Post Styles. However, these internal departments remained and the Gestapo continued to be a department under the RSHA umbrella. [28], On 27 September 1939, the security and police agencies of Nazi Germany—with the exception of the Order Police—were consolidated into the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), headed by Heydrich. [87], In September 1939, the SiPo and SD were merged into the newly created Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA; Reich Main Security Office). [126] Beyond that, sleep deprivation and various forms of harassment were used as investigative methods. (2013). [145], Between 14 November 1945 and 3 October 1946, the Allies established an International Military Tribunal (IMT) to try 22 major Nazi war criminals and six groups for crimes against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The Iconoclast is a group blog featuring Hugh Fitzgerald, Rebecca Bynum, Theodore Dalrymple, Conrad Black, Jerry Gordon, Mary Jackson, Norman Berdichevsky, Christina McIntosh, John M. Joyce and Esmerelda Weatherwax. The SD sleeve diamond (SD Raute) insignia was worn on the lower left sleeve, even by SiPo men who were not in the SD. [62] Efforts to resist the Nazi regime amounted to very little and had only minor chances of success, particularly since the broad percentage of the German people did not support such actions. [23] The Gestapo became a national state agency. I crimini di Theo Saevecke capo della Gestapo nella versione aggiornata alla luce delle nuove fonti emerse nel corso del processo celebrato dal Tribunale militare di Torino a carico dell’ex capitano delle SS Theo Saevecke, condannato all’ergastolo il 9 giugno 1999 per [147][e], Leaders, organisers, investigators and accomplices participating in the formulation or execution of a common plan or conspiracy to commit the crimes specified were declared responsible for all acts performed by any persons in execution of such plan. The local offices of the Gestapo, known as Gestapo Leitstellen and Stellen, answered to a local commander known as the Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD ("Inspector of the Security Police and Security Service") who, in turn, was under the dual command of Referat N of the Gestapo and also his local SS and Police Leader. [112] The Gestapo—at times—was overwhelmed with denunciations and most of its time was spent sorting out the credible from the less credible denunciations. Department C (Administration and Party Affairs), central administrative office of the Gestapo, responsible for card files of all personnel including all officials. Hitler a Milano: I crimini di Theodor Saevecke capo della Gestapo (Italian Edition) [Luigi Borgomaneri] on Amazon.com. [61] During the first five months of 1943, the Gestapo arrested thousands suspected of resistance activities and carried out numerous executions. Yet a significant number of them still worked against the National Socialist government. Intelligent Mr Toad is obsessed with removing the following information and edit warring to remove it In 1967 in Panama, Francis William Keith was accused of being Heinrich Mueller, the former head of the Gestapo, West German diplomats pressed Panama to extradite to Berlin for trial. [36], In 1942, the Gestapo discovered a cache of Polish intelligence documents in Prague and were surprised to see that Polish agents and informants had been gathering detailed military information and smuggling it out to London, via Budapest and Istanbul. Nicknamed "the Butcher of Lyon" for his use of torture on prisoners. Esempi. For the most part, members of the church did not offer political resistance but simply wanted to ensure that organizational doctrine remained intact. They were subject to co-ordination by inspectors of the security police and SD on the staffs of the local higher SS and police leaders, however, and one of the principal functions of the local SD units was to serve as the intelligence agency for the local Gestapo units. [108] In Düsseldorf, the local Gestapo office of only 281 men were responsible for the entire Lower Rhine region, which comprised 4 million people. [154], Leitstellung (district office) staff did wear the grey SS service uniform, but with police-pattern shoulderboards, and SS rank insignia on the left collar patch. [43], Many parts of Germany (where religious dissent existed upon the Nazi seizure of power) saw a rapid transformation; a change as noted by the Gestapo in conservative towns such as Würzburg, where people acquiesced to the regime either through accommodation, collaboration, or simple compliance. Registrati Connettiti Dimensione testo Aiuto العربية Deutsch English Español Français עברית Italiano 日本語 Nederlands Polski Português Română Русский Türkçe 中文 [64] Most people quickly learned that open opposition was dangerous since Gestapo informants and agents were widespread. [105] Browder also describes a sandwich effect, where from above; Gestapo agents were subjected to ideologically oriented racism and criminal biological theories; and from below, the Gestapo was transformed by SS personnel who did not have the proper police training, which showed in their propensity for unrestrained violence. Individuals in Austrian resistance groups led by Heinrich Maier also managed to pass along the plans and the location of production facilities for V-2 rockets, Tiger tanks, and aircraft to the Allies. [123], Of the political cases, 61 people were investigated for suspicion of belonging to the KPD, 44 for the SPD and 69 for other political parties. -Gestapo. [102], The Canadian historian Robert Gellately wrote that most Gestapo men were not Nazis, but at the same time were not opposed to the Nazi regime, which they were willing to serve, in whatever task they were called upon to perform. Employing biological metaphors, Best emphasised a doctrine which encouraged members of the Gestapo to view themselves as 'doctors' to the 'national body' in the struggle against "pathogens" and "diseases"; among the implied sicknesses were "communists, Freemasons, and the churches—and above and behind all these stood the Jews". [89] However, Gestapo leader Heinrich Müller was never tried, as he disappeared at the end of the war. [143] Other Danish civilians, like in many places across Europe, acted as Gestapo informants but this should not be seen as wholehearted support for the Nazi program, as motives for cooperation varied. [137] Whenever a region came fully under German military occupational jurisdiction, the Gestapo administered all executive actions under the military commander's authority, albeit operating relatively independent of it. The Museum’s Collections document the fate of Holocaust victims, survivors, rescuers, liberators, and others through artifacts, documents, photos, films, books, personal stories, and more.Search below to view digital records and find material that you can access at our library and at the Shapell Center. After uncovering a sample of the information the Poles had reported, Gestapo officials concluded that Polish intelligence activity represented a very serious danger to Germany. [51], In Dachau: The Official History 1933–1945, Paul Berben wrote that clergy were watched closely, and frequently denounced, arrested and sent to Nazi concentration camps: "One priest was imprisoned in Dachau for having stated that there were good folk in England too; another suffered the same fate for warning a girl who wanted to marry an S.S. man after abjuring the Catholic faith; yet another because he conducted a service for a deceased communist". [22] Shortly thereafter, Himmler created the Kriminalpolizei (Kripo; Criminal Police), merging it with the Gestapo into the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo; Security Police), under Heydrich's command. [82] Describing the activities of the organisation, Göring boasted about the utter ruthlessness required for Germany's recovery, the establishment of concentration camps for that purpose, and even went on to claim that excesses were committed in the beginning, recounting how beatings took place here and there. Soon only Prussia was left. [15] Röhm's position was menacing as more than 4.5 million men fell under his command once the militias and veterans organisations were absorbed by the SA,[16] a fact which fuelled Röhm's aspirations; his dream of fusing the SA and Reichswehr together was undermining Hitler's relationships with the leadership of Germany's armed forces. Il mito del bravo italiano tra repressione del ribellismo e guerra ai civili nei territori occupati (Guerini, 2006). [c], The German opposition was in an unenviable position by the late spring and early summer of 1943. Thereafter, there was a show trial overseen by Roland Freisler, followed by their execution. The official positions of defendants as heads of state or holders of high government offices were not to free them from responsibility or mitigate their punishment; nor was the fact that a defendant acted pursuant to an order of a superior to excuse him from responsibility, although it might be considered by the IMT in mitigation of punishment. [99][d] Some locals aided the Gestapo, whether as professional police auxiliaries or in other duties. Una fetta di torta e una tazza di tè con il capo della Gestapo. We were informed in prison that frequently the Gestapo disguised themselves in prisoner’s clothes in order to spy. [99] Additional staff were added in March 1938 consequent the annexation of Austria and again in October 1938 with the acquisition of the Sudetenland. Complaints from the Waffen-SS led to change of rank insignia shoulder boards from those of the Waffen-SS to those of the Ordnungspolizei. [133] Lastly, the Gestapo's effectiveness, while aided by denunciations and the watchful eye of ordinary Germans, was more the result of the co-ordination and co-operation amid the various police organs within Germany, the assistance of the SS, and the support provided by the various Nazi Party organisations; all of them together forming an organised persecution network. The Poles identified and tracked German military trains to the Eastern front and identified four Order Police battalions sent to occupied areas of the Soviet Union in October 1941 that engaged in war crimes and mass murder. From 27 September 1939, it was administered by the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA). The New English Review - A monthly political/cultural magazine with a literary slant. This groundbreaking miniseries explores a decade in the lives of the members of an extended Jewish family and a German lawyer who becomes a Nazi officer. Himmler's subsequent appointment to Chef der Deutschen Polizei (Chief of German Police) and status as Reichsführer-SS made him independent of Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick's nominal control. Leading members of the most famous of these groups, the White Rose, were arrested by the police and turned over to the Gestapo. Crimini di guerra : Il mito del bravo italiano tra repressione del rebellismo e guerra ai civili nei territori occupati by Borgomaneri, Luigi (a cura): and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. [43] Meanwhile, the SA and police occupied trade union headquarters, arrested functionaries, confiscated their property and assets; all by design so as to be replaced on 12 May by the German Labor Front (DAF), a Nazi organization placed under the leadership of Robert Ley. [80], In January 1933, Hermann Göring, Hitler's minister without portfolio, was appointed the head of the Prussian Police and began filling the political and intelligence units of the Prussian Secret Police with Nazi Party members. Within Germany and areas which were incorporated within the Reich for the purpose of civil administration, local offices of the Gestapo, criminal police, and SD were formally separate. Female youth leaders, lawyers, business administrators with experience in social work, female leaders in the Reichsarbeitsdienst and personnel administrators in the Bund Deutscher Mädel were hired as detectives after a one-year course, if they had several years professional experience. "[140] Nonetheless, German authorities ordered the mobilization of reserve Polish police forces, known as the Blue Police, which strengthened the Nazi police presence and carried out numerous "police" functions; in some cases, its functionaries even identified and rounded up Jews or performed other unsavory duties on behalf of their German masters. [22] This action effectively merged the police into the SS and removed it from Frick's control. [54] Homosexuals were correspondingly considered a threat to the Volksgemeinschaft (National Community). On th17 April 1941 the occupation of Yugoslavia by Nazi and Fascist forces was completed. [24] Heinrich Müller was at that time the Gestapo operations chief. The SS officer Werner Best, one-time head of legal affairs in the Gestapo,[27] summed up this policy by saying, "As long as the police carries out the will of the leadership, it is acting legally". Nevertheless, in practice there was jurisdictional overlap and operational conflict between the SD and Gestapo. Diels was appointed with the title of chief of Abteilung Ia (Department 1a) of the Prussian Secret Police. [136] Once the German armies advanced into enemy territory, they were accompanied by Einsatzgruppen staffed by officers from the Gestapo and Kripo, who usually operated in the rear areas to administer and police the occupied land. [89], The Gestapo became known as RSHA Amt IV ("Department or Office IV") with Heinrich Müller as its chief. Varying degrees of pacification and police enforcement measures were necessary in each place, dependent on how cooperative or resistant the locals were to Nazi mandates and racial policies. [31] The specific internal departments of Amt IV were as follows:[90], In 1941 Referat N, the central command office of the Gestapo was formed. In vendita l’auto in cui fu ucciso il capo della Gestapo E' la Mercedes 320 B Cabriolet di Reinhard Heydrich, il boia di Praga. [100] One man who served in the Prussian Gestapo in 1933 recalled that most of his co-workers "were by no means Nazis. Si ricongiunge cosi` al figlio e alla sua sposa. LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for booklovers In lieu of naming convention changes, the original construct of the SiPo, Gestapo, and Kripo cannot be fully comprehended as "discrete entities", since they ultimately formed "a conglomerate in which each was wedded to each other and the SS through its Security Service, the SD". [111], According to Canadian historian Robert Gellately's analysis of the local offices established, the Gestapo was—for the most part—made up of bureaucrats and clerical workers who depended upon denunciations by citizens for their information. Frick did not have the political power to take on Göring by himself so he allied with Himmler. [116][117] Work done by social historians such as Detlev Peukert, Robert Gellately, Reinhard Mann, Inge Marssolek, René Otto, Klaus-Michael Mallamann and Paul Gerhard, which by focusing on what the local offices were doing has shown the Gestapo's almost total dependence on denunciations from ordinary Germans, and very much discredited the older "Big Brother" picture with the Gestapo having its eyes and ears everywhere. After Germany conquered Poland in the autumn of 1939, Gestapo officials believed that they had neutralised Polish intelligence activities. In late 1933, the Reich Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick wanted to integrate all the police forces of the German states under his control. Iniziò la sua scalata tra i ranghi del potere nazista nel 1934, entrando nelle SS e diventando, soltanto due anni dopo, capo della Gestapo. [113] Many of the local offices were understaffed and overworked, struggling with the paper load caused by so many denunciations. Terror against "state enemies" had become a way of life to such a degree that the Gestapo's presence and methods were eventually normalised in the minds of people living in Nazi Germany. Nella capitale, dove le truppe tedesche pattugliano le strade e gli agenti della Gestapo si nascondono in ogni angolo, i piloti americani trovano ospitalità presso l’Hôtel des Invalides, il magnifico complesso di edifici che ospita la tomba di Napoleone e in cui i funzionari tedeschi hanno stabilito i loro uffici. [59] According to Gestapo case files, the majority of those arrested for homosexuality were males between eighteen and twenty-five years of age. Reports indicate that the Gestapo was caught unaware of this plot as they did not have sufficient protections in place at the appropriate locations nor did they take any preventative steps. [73] Known as the 20 July plot, this assassination attempt failed and Hitler was only slightly injured. Three groups were acquitted of collective war crimes charges, but this did not relieve individual members of those groups from conviction and punishment under the denazification programme. Among the first to speak out were religious dissenters but following in their wake were educators, aristocratic businessmen, office workers, teachers, and others from nearly every walk of life. Heinrich Muller, il comandante della Gestapo - la polizia segreta di stato del Terzo Reich - e tra i principali responsabili dell'Olocausto, sarebbe sepolto in un cimitero ebraico a Berlino. [70] Later, the British and Americans did not want to deal with anti-Nazis because they were fearful that the Soviet Union would believe they were attempting to make deals behind their back. Josef Berchtold - Very early Party member, and the second Reichsführer-SS from 1926-27. Il campo della Fiera di Belgrado (1941-1942) di Milovan Pisarri Abstract: The Sajmište concentration camp. Video style 1; Video style 2; Video style 3; Video style 4; Popup video; Autoplay video; Post Gallery. [26] The Gestapo was specifically exempted from responsibility to administrative courts, where citizens normally could sue the state to conform to laws. Pensa di vederlo nel pozzo e vi si tuffa. [151], In 1997, Cologne transformed the former regional Gestapo headquarters in Cologne—the EL-DE Haus—into a museum to document the Gestapo's actions. [54] In 1934, a special Gestapo office was set up in Berlin to deal with homosexuality. Groups like the White Rose and others, such as the Edelweiss Pirates, and the Swing Youth, were placed under strict Gestapo observation. Home; fearures. [25] He answered to Heydrich; Heydrich answered only to Himmler and Himmler answered only to Hitler. On 10 August 1944 15 captured partisans held at the prison, hand picked by Theo Saevecke, head of the Gestapo in Milan, were publicly executed at Piazzale Loreto and left on display, as a reprisal for a partisan attack on a German military convoy. [118] For example, of the 84 cases in Würzburg of Rassenschande ("race defilement"—sexual relations with non-Aryans), 45 (54%) were started in response to denunciations by ordinary people, two (2%) by information provided by other branches of the government, 20 (24%) via information gained during interrogations of people relating to other matters, four (5%) from information from (Nazi) NSDAP organisations, two (2%) during "political evaluations" and 11 (13%) have no source listed while none were started by Gestapo's own "observations" of the people of Würzburg. In addition, thousands of political prisoners throughout Germany—and from 1941, throughout the occupied territories under the Night and Fog Decree—simply disappeared while in Gestapo custody. On 20 April 1934, oversight of the Gestapo passed to the head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, who was also appointed Chief of German Police by Hitler in 1936. The Gestapo supplied the information which implicated the SA and ultimately enabled Himmler and Heydrich to emancipate themselves entirely from the organisation. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Da settembre 1940 fino al luglio 1942, in qualità di leader della Judenreferat presso l'ufficio SD a Parigi, diresse il servizio di controspionaggio nazista e divenne capo della IV sezione J della Gestapo, incaricata della "questione ebraica". [103] Heydrich thought along similar lines and advocated both defensive and offensive measures on the part of the Gestapo, so as to prevent any subversion or destruction of the National Socialist body. [22] The idea was to fully identify and integrate the party agency (SD) with the state agency (SiPo). [140] Many of the auxiliary police personnel operating on behalf of German Order Police, the SD, and Gestapo were members of the Schutzmannschaft, which included staffing by Ukrainians, Belorussians, Russians, Estonians, Lithuanians, and Latvians. Himmler was nominally subordinate to Frick as police chief, but as Reichsführer-SS, he answered only to Hitler. The Gestapo had relatively few personnel and a mostly passive role in initiating investigations, as the surviving case files for the Dusseldorf and Wurzburg areas reveal. Guarda gli esempi di traduzione di spacciasse nelle frasi, ascolta la pronuncia e impara la grammatica. capo - translate into English with the Italian-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary After Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, Hermann Göring—future commander of the Luftwaffe and the number two man in the Nazi Party—was named Interior Minister of Prussia. "[96], According to regulations issued by the Reich Main Security Office in 1940, women that had been trained in social work or having a similar education could be hired as female detectives. As Evans makes clear, "...it was not the ordinary German people who engaged in surveillance, it was the Gestapo; nothing happened until the Gestapo received a denunciation, and it was the Gestapo's active pursuit of deviance and dissent that was the only thing that gave denunciations meaning. [129] As historian Eric Johnson remarked, "The Nazi terror was selective terror", with its focus upon political opponents, ideological dissenters (clergy and religious organisations), career criminals, the Sinti and Roma population, handicapped persons, homosexuals and above all, upon the Jews. When Church leaders (clergy) voiced their misgiving about the euthanasia program and Nazi racial policies, Hitler intimated that he considered them "traitors to the people" and went so far as to call them "the destroyers of Germany". Soon afterward, Göring detached the political and intelligence sections from the police and filled their ranks with Nazis. I suoi membri erano reclutati tra gli ufficiali di carriera della polizia e il suo ruolo e la sua organizzazione vennero rapidamente stabiliti da Goring dopo che Adolf Hitler prese il potere nel marzo 1933. Il compito della Gestapo era quello di investigare e combattere "tutte le tendenze pericolose per lo Stato". [47] The extreme anti-Semitism and neo-Pagan heresies of the Nazis caused some Christians to outright resist,[48] and Pope Pius XI to issue the encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge denouncing Nazism and warning Catholics against joining or supporting the Party. [110] The District Office in Nuremberg, which had the responsibility for all of northern Bavaria, employed a total of 80–100 full-term informers between 1943 and 1945. Gallery style 1; Gallery style 2; Gallery style 3; Gallery style 4; Post Review; Cate Layouts . With their trade union flags waving, Hitler gave a rousing speech to the 1.5 million people assembled on Berlin's Tempelhofer Feld that was nationally broadcast, during which he extolled the nation's revival and working class solidarity. [32] During the Holocaust, Eichmann and his agency coordinated the mass deportation of European Jews to the Nazis' extermination camps. [74][75] Stauffenberg and his group were shot on 21 July 1944; meanwhile, his fellow conspirators were rounded up by the Gestapo and sent to a concentration camp. del fronte militare della resistenza diede tutto se stesso all’organizzazione. Some pastors, like the Protestant clergyman Dietrich Bonhoeffer, paid for their opposition with their lives. Most SiPo members joined the SS and held a rank in both organisations. Hellmuth Becker - Head of SS Division Totenkopf. Il capo della polizia politica „So far you have been treated as an officer and a gentleman, but don't think that this will go on if you don't behave better than you have done. During World War II, the Gestapo played a key role in the Nazi plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

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